GDPS is a social-religious organization based in Sivagiri Mutt, Varkala, Kerala State. GDPS Tamil Nadu was established for the purpose of rendering services in the social, religious, cultural and educational fields, besides popularizing the philosophy and teaching of Sree Narayana Guru. The teachings and writings of Sree Narayana Guru are relevant today in eradicating many of the social evils and imbalances and to bring about social equity in the society, irrespective of regions and religions.

We have visualized ambitious plans for the present and future. Our main aims are to transfer the cultural and philosophical heritage to the next generations, Introduce Sree Narayana Guru devotees to each other, Spread teachings of Sree Narayana Guru, Help socially and economically weak in education, Work co-operation with other organizations for the betterment of all, Educate members about all religions, Provide financial help to victims of disasters, Work in co-operation with other similar organizations, Establish and institute to teach Sree Narayana Guru philosophy, all ought to be treated with love; justice and due regard to their merits, None ought to be contended with his or her good alone, but everyone ought to regard his prosperity as included in that of others. Our first and foremost objective is to do good to the world by improving the physical, spiritual and social condition of mankind.